Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) sets out the rules for collecting, processing, and using personal data obtained from you in connection with the use of the Website and the Contact Form. The Privacy Policy also includes information regarding the rights you are entitled to in relation to the processing of your data.

  1. Definitions Whenever the following capitalized terms are used in this Privacy Policy, they should be understood as defined below:

    • Administrator – Aliticon Sp. z o.o., based in Warsaw, ul. Grzybowska 87, 00-844 Warsaw, entered into the register of entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under number KRS: 0000604872, with NIP: 5242795945 and REGON: 363879198.
    • User – any person using the Website or the Contact Form;
    • Website – the domain, which is managed by Aliticon Sp. z o.o.;
    • Contact Form – an electronic service available on the Website (in the "Contact" section), which allows the User to send a message to the Administrator;
    • GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
  2. Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data The User's personal data is processed by the Administrator in order to provide Contact Form services. Providing the data is voluntary but necessary for using the aforementioned services.

    Personal data is processed based on the consent given by the User (in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) GDPR), for the purpose of pursuing the legitimate interests of the Administrator (in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR), and in cases where the law allows the Administrator to process personal data.

  3. Duration of Personal Data Processing The User's personal data will be processed for the period necessary to achieve the indicated purposes of processing, but no longer than until the consent is withdrawn or an objection to its processing is raised.

  4. Data Recipients In the process of achieving the purpose of processing, the User's personal data may be shared with other recipients or categories of recipients of personal data. These recipients may include entities processing data on behalf of the Administrator under a data processing agreement.

  5. Rights of Data Subjects The Administrator limits the collection and use of information about Users to the necessary minimum required to provide services at the desired level. The Administrator applies technical and organizational measures to ensure the privacy and protection of Users' personal data.

    A User whose personal data is being processed has the right to:

    • Request information from the Administrator about the processing of their personal data, i.e., confirmation of whether personal data concerning the User is being processed. If the data is processed, the User has the right to access it, obtain a copy, and receive the following information: the purposes of processing, categories of personal data, information about the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data has been or will be disclosed, the duration of data storage or the criteria for its determination, the rights associated with the processing of personal data, the possibility of lodging a complaint with a supervisory authority, the source of the personal data if it was not obtained directly from the data subject, and information about profiling and automated decision-making (the right of access, Article 15 GDPR);
    • Rectify personal data concerning the User. If the User learns that their personal data processed by the Administrator is incorrect, outdated, or incomplete, they have the right to request its immediate rectification or completion (the right to rectification, Article 16 GDPR);
    • Request the deletion of their personal data, whereby if the User has given consent for the processing of personal data, a request for deletion will have the same effect as withdrawing consent (the right to be forgotten, Article 17 GDPR);
    • Request the restriction of personal data processing (the right to restrict processing, Article 18 GDPR), i.e., request the cessation of processing except for storage, in situations where:
      • The data subject disputes the accuracy of the personal data - for the period during which the Administrator will verify its accuracy;
      • The data subject disputes the legality of the processing of personal data by the service provider;
      • The service provider no longer needs the data, but the data is needed by the data subject to establish, pursue, or defend claims;
      • The data subject has objected to the processing - until the Administrator decides on the validity of the objection.
    • Object to the processing of their personal data for the legitimate purposes of the service provider;
    • Transfer their personal data, receive personal data provided to the Administrator in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, if the processing is based on consent, or request that this data be sent to another data controller indicated by the data subject (the right to data portability, Article 20 GDPR).

    To exercise the above rights, the data subject should send an email to the contact details provided at the beginning of the Privacy Policy, specifying which right they wish to exercise, to what extent, and how. Please provide your contact details to enable quick communication during the execution of the right by the data subject, especially if it is necessary to confirm the identity of the applicant or confirm which right or to what extent the person wishes to exercise (preferably a phone number, but this is not mandatory).

  6. Possibility to Withdraw Consent In cases where the User's data is processed based on consent, the User has the right to withdraw this consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

    In situations where your data has been processed based on consent, withdrawing consent will prevent further use of the services offered by the Administrator (i.e., the Contact Form).

  7. Processing of Data Outside the EU The Administrator declares that it will not transfer the personal data entrusted to it outside the territory of the European Union, unless it obtains prior written consent from the data subject and ensures compliance with all obligations arising from the GDPR regarding the transfer of personal data to third countries.

  8. Right to Lodge a Complaint with a Supervisory Authority If the processing of data by the Administrator violates the applicable legal provisions, the User has the option to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

  9. Cookie Policy Cookies are files stored on a device (computer, smartphone, tablet) where an internet browser is installed, which the user uses to browse websites.

    To improve the functionality of the Website, the Administrator declares that it uses several types of cookies:

    • Necessary cookies for the proper functioning of the website. Some cookies are essential to ensure the User can fully utilize the website and its offered functions. For example, if the User wants to compare the parameters of two products, the Administrator uses cookies to remember the compared product. During this time, the User can search the website for the second product to compare.
    • Cookies verifying visits. These are cookies that remember the User's visits to the Website, subpages, and links clicked by the User. They allow for the personalization of certain content and adjustment to the individual preferences of Users.

    The cookies used by the Administrator do not store any personal data of the User. The identity of the User is not revealed through cookies.

    The information collected by the Administrator will not be shared with entities or individuals other than those authorized based on generally applicable laws and authorized to administer Websites.

    In any case, the User may block the installation of cookies or delete permanent cookies using the appropriate options of the internet browser. In case of problems, it is recommended to use the browser's help file or contact the browser's manufacturer.

    Any User who does not consent to the use of cookies is required to modify the settings of the internet browser. The configuration of the User's system allowing the use of cookies constitutes consent to the storage of the information referred to in Article 173(2) of the Act of July 16, 2004 – Telecommunications Law.

    Third-party cookies may also be stored on the User's device, particularly from websites such as Facebook, Google, Twitter. Information about cookies from these websites can be found on the websites of these entities.

  10. Contact Form On the Website, there is a Contact Form that allows any User to send a message to the Administrator. To use the Contact Form, you need to:

    • Fill in the "Subject of the message" and "Message content" fields, specifying the title and content of the message addressed to the Administrator;
    • Fill in the "Email address" field, providing the email address to which the Administrator's response will be sent;
    • Give consent to the processing of personal data provided by the User by checking the box containing the appropriate consent clause.
  11. What Data is Collected When Using the Contact Form? Each time the Contact Form service is used, the email address is collected. Providing the email address will allow the Administrator to respond to the User's message. However, the User may provide additional information in the Contact Form, such as: name, surname, phone number, company name, correspondence address. Providing this data is voluntary and depends on the User's will.

  12. Profiling The Administrator performs the function of collecting information about Users and their behaviors in the following ways:

    • Through voluntarily entered information in the form (using the Contact Form service and the Order Form);
    • Through the collection of cookies.

    The data provided by the User is processed for the purpose resulting from the function of a specific form, such as to handle a contact information request.

    Data collected through cookies may be processed in an automated manner, including profiling, in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

    Profiling is the automatic evaluation of personal data about a User or group of Users, especially for analyzing or forecasting their preferences.

    This means that by analyzing the cookies collected on a User's computer or phone, the Administrator is able to create a User's profile in terms of their preferences, e.g., for presenting the content of advertisements in a way that matches their preferences. However, profiling does not affect the User's decisions.

  13. Changes to the Privacy Policy The Administrator reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy, especially due to changes in generally applicable law, the emergence of new technologies, new functionalities, or the introduction of changes to the Website.

    The new Privacy Policy will be published on the Website with an appropriate message informing about its entry into force.

    The use of the Website after the introduction of changes to the Privacy Policy is tantamount to the acceptance of the changes.

We use cookies to improve your browsing experience on our site. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.